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Weekly Davening Schedule


^Minyanim in the Beis Medrash, listed above will be broadcast via the CBY Internet Minyan.

#קריאת שמע should be repeated after 7:05 pm.

Day   of Learning Sponsors

10/15/2024 - 13 Tishrei 5785

*Arthur Breslau, in memory of his wife, Chaya Leah bat Yisroel, z"l.
*Philip Klein, in memory of his father, Avraham Abish ben Shimon Shraga HaLevi, z"l.
The Rotblat & Dworken Families in memory of their grandfather, Avraham Dovid ben Benyamin Zeev, z"l.

10/16/2024 - 14 Tishrei 5785

Robert Meyer, in memory of his father, Meyer ben Avraham, z"l.

10/17/2024 - 15 Tishrei 5785

*Sherry Perlowitz, in memory of her mother, Rachel bat Avraham Moshe, z"l.

10/18/2024 - 16 Tishrei 5785

*David Westrich, in memory of his father, Tzvi Dovid ben Chaim Shalom, z"l.
Esther & Isaac Secemski, in memory of Esther's father, Moshe ben Dovid, z"l.

10/19/2024 - 17 Tishrei 5785

*Regina & Michael Koenig & Family, in memory of Regina's mother, Dvora bat Avraham, z"l.
Ann & Lester Arfe, in honor of the shloshim of Esther Stavsky, z"l.
Ariella & Aylon Glaser, in memory of Ariella's mother, Batya Rachel bat Yakov, z"l.

10/20/2024 - 18 Tishrei 5785

*Jack Brauner, in memory of his father Yerachmiel ben Shmuel z"l.
*David Prince, in memory of his mother, Malya Esther bat Avraham, z"l.
Esther & Isaac Secemski, in memory of Isaac's father, Michael Aharon ben Reuven, z"l.

10/21/2024 - 19 Tishrei 5785

*Bobby Kaplan, in memory of his mother, Esther bat Mordechai, z"l.
Stacey Gardin, in memory of her father, Meir ben Shlomo z"l.

10/22/2024 - 20 Tishrei 5785

*Jackie Schlanger, in memory of his mother, Chanah bat HaChaver Efraim, z"l.
*Melvin Zelefsky, in memory of his sister, Hinda Reizel bat Avraham Yitzchak Pinchas, z"l.
Chaim Chaimowitz, in memory of his wife, Devorah Sorah bat Avrohom Tzvi, z"l.

10/23/2024 - 21 Tishrei 5785

*Helen Spiro, in memory of her father, Yaakov ben Mordechai, z"l.

10/24/2024 - 22 Tishrei 5785

*Jackie Schlanger, in memory of his mother, Chanah bat HaChaver Efraim, z"l.
*Melvin Zelefsky, in memory of his sister, Hinda Reizel bat Avraham Yitzchak Pinchas, z"l.
Chaim Chaimowitz, in memory of his wife, Devorah Sorah bat Avrohom Tzvi, z"l.

10/25/2024 - 23 Tishrei 5785

10/26/2024 - 24 Tishrei 5785

*Steven Margulies, in memory of his grandfather, Yitzchak Eizik ben Kasriel, z"l.

10/27/2024 - 25 Tishrei 5785

Chanie & Len Grunstein, Sora & Eli Grunstein, and Family, in honor of the shloshim of their mother and grandmother, Ida Grunstein, z"l.
Carol Gutmann, in memory of her mother, Elka bat Josef, z"l.

10/28/2024 - 26 Tishrei 5785

Chanie & Len Grunstein, Sora & Eli Grunstein, and Family, in honor of the shloshim of their mother and grandmother, Ida Grunstein, z"l.

10/29/2024 - 27 Tishrei 5785

*Jordan Comet, in memory of his father, Yisroel ben Yaakov Isaac, z"l.
*Geela & Avi Weisberg and Family, in memory of Geela's father, נפתלי בן יצחק אייזיק, z"l.
Chanie & Len Grunstein, Sora & Eli Grunstein, and Family, in honor of the shloshim of their mother and grandmother, Ida Grunstein, z"l.

10/30/2024 - 28 Tishrei 5785

*Avrom Forman, in memory of his grandfather, Avrohom ben R' Michel Asher, z"l.
Chanie & Len Grunstein, Sora & Eli Grunstein, and Family, in honor of the shloshim of their mother and grandmother, Ida Grunstein, z"l.

10/31/2024 - 29 Tishrei 5785

*Lynn Sugarman, in memory of her father, Yehuda Yacov ben Mordechai, z"l.
Chanie & Len Grunstein, Sora & Eli Grunstein, and Family, in honor of the shloshim of their mother and grandmother, Ida Grunstein, z"l.

11/01/2024 - 30 Tishrei 5785

Chanie & Len Grunstein, Sora & Eli Grunstein, and Family, in honor of the shloshim of their mother and grandmother, Ida Grunstein, z"l.


Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785